100+ Happy Customer Testimonials

I booked the villa at Dhanaya villa and the quality of construction and delivery on time is very perfect.

Sunil & Family

Well developed plots and villas, Nellai Krishna COnstruction doing great job for people and environments.

Deepak & Family

Our relations and friends are said " The finishing of construction is very good" , we are happy to bought a home in Nellai Krishna Construction.

Ancet & Family

When we are entering in our home, its giving calm and happiness to our life. I dont expected like this. They delivered what they promised.

Janiganesan & Family

Main advantage of Nellai Krishna Construction is their competitive pricing because of which many of the middle class families have a roof of their own.

Binoth & Family

Nellai Krishna Construction is the other name for quality of construction. NKC dont compromise in the quality. As a customer, I am relaxes on the construction and finishing.

Gunasekaran & Family